Blanca Suarez, from TEMASOL, visited on July 15th the site where UPV/POLYMAT has installed the TUS detector. Blanca was also introduced to the process behind using the detector and all equipment involved as part of TEMASOL activities in Task 7.4 âNanosafety assessment & Elaboration of safety/Safety-by-Design guidelinesâ. The process is currently being analysed by TEMASOL staff under a risk assessment perspective to identify potential health issues, focusing on Occupational exposure and nanosafety. The strategy will follow the one developed in the EU-H2020 project NanoReg2 for Safety-by-Design (SbD) implementation in industrial settings but adapted to the particulars of NanoPAT processes.
With this visit TEMASOL contributes to the SbD concept of the project, anticipating, identifying and addressing future safety issues relevant for commercially fully exploitable innovative technologies.

TEMASOL visiting the installations of UPV/POLYMAT
Blanca SuÃĄrez (center), from TEMASOL, with Jose RamÃģn Leiza (left) and Usue Aspiazu (right), from UPV/POLYMAT.

Usue Aspiazu, from UPV/POLMAT, with the TUS detector.