NanoPAT Newsletter #02
Welcome to our second NanoPAT NEWSLETTER issue! We are happy to share with you our highlights and news and inform you about where you can meet us!
Welcome to our second NanoPAT NEWSLETTER issue! We are happy to share with you our highlights and news and inform you about where you can meet us!
NanoPAT got featured in the last BNN newsletter (pages 37-38), in March 2021.
NanoPAT got featured in the last BNN newsletter (pages 18-19), in December 2020.
Welcome to our first issue. We are happy to share with you our highlights, presenting our partners, sharing our news and inform you about where you can meet us!
In the last BNN newsletter (pages 10-11), in September 2020, the project NanoPAT was presented, giving an overview about the main project facts, ideas and objectives.