OF2i (Partner Lead: BRAVE)
Photons carry momentum, spin- and angular momentum, not as much to be noticeable in our makro everyday life, but enough for being active in the nanoworld. The OF2i technology is using these intrinsic light-properties, light forces for their OptoFluidic Force Induction OF2i [1] technology for active, fast, and continuous online particle characterization. OF2i is arranged as a high throughput counting method for real-time process monitoring. The principle is based on the combination of very defined fluidic- as well as optically induced forces acting on particle streams [2].
The minimal photonic forces are sufficient to deflect and (de)accelerate small particles from their fluidic induced motion, independently from their overlaying Brownian motion. As a result, the induced particle trajectories contain size and shape information (figure 1). The patented OF2i optical parallelization technology enables and actively sets thousands of particles in motion simultaneously for highly statistically valid readouts.
Using an ultra-microscope setup, the actively altered particle trajectories can be determined and translated into characterization data with respect to sizes, size distributions, and particle numbers (concentration) with a clear statistical significant relation to the overall particle population. Due to these underlaying active principles, this is possible continuously and significantly faster than Brownian motion processes used in DLS or NTA which makes this technology applicable as a process analytical technology in nanoPAT.
[1] Hill, C. Optofluidic force induction (OF2i) – Platform technology for particle characterization and active manipulation in microfluidic environments (Doctoral dissertation). 2018, Medical University Graz.
[2] Kaneta, T., et al., Theory of optical chromatography. Analytical Chemistry, 1997. 69(14): p. 2701-2710.

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Assembly of the first BRAVE B1 prototype un ultra-high speed.