Expoquimia, the International Chemistry Event, is the trade fair that gathers together all the sectors of the chemistry to promote the importance of the transformation of the industry towards more energy-efficient productions models under circular criteria, connecting industry, society and sustainability to transform the chemical sector.
From 30 May to 2 June 2023, Expoquimia 2023 showcased solutions from leading manufacturers and distributors in four main areas: Raw materials and basic chemistry; Analytical instrumentation, measurement and control; Equipment, technologies and services for all types of production processes; and Materials and systems for surface treatment. In addition to Spain, exhibitors at Expoquimia come from Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Turkey, China, USA and Switzerland, with one fifth of the exhibitors being international. The international trade fair with more than 280 exhibitors and 1500 brands represented, attracted more than 18000 visitors (University, Industry, RTOs, Policy Makers, Regulators, Governmental Agencies) interested in the knowledge and networking activities organised around the promotion of the circular economy, decarbonisation, climate neutrality, digitalization, and technology transfer as the main drivers to guarantee a sustainable future.
NanoPAT, as a project developing novel technologies for the industrial nanopartical production was present at the event. Joan Puig Lago, Deputy Director IRIS, gave an oral presentation on the NanoPAT project and its PAT technologies, as well as IRIS Technology Solutions S.L.â role within Industry 4.0 and their technologies, products, projects involvement and future R&D work.