Materials characterisation – Terminology, metadata and classification
The main purpose of this CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA 17815:2021) is to propose a widely agreed and common basic architecture for materials characterization data (CHADA), which can be used as a building block for the most complex characterization case studies, also comprising interactions with modelling and process workflows. This document gives the foundations for a wider adoption of the CHADA principle by other projects and stakeholders.
This CWA is part of the activities of the EU-H2020 project OYSTER.
The NanoPAT project partner TEMASOL contributed to this CWA.
[This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties, the constitution of which is indicated in the foreword of this Workshop Agreement. The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of this Workshop Agreement has been endorsed by the National Members of CEN but neither the National Members of CEN nor the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre can be held accountable for the technical content of this CEN Workshop Agreement or possible conflicts with standards or legislation. This CEN Workshop Agreement can in no way be held as being an official standard developed by CEN and its Members. This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the CEN Members National Standard Bodies.]