Starting with the virtual Kick-Off Meeting (on November 5th) of the CEN workshop proposed within the context of the EU H2020 project OYSTER, NanoPAT gave its first step in the cooperation with OYSTER in the achievement of standard terminology for the description of metadata of materials characterisation and databases, following OYSTER’s guidance and knowhow.
The main goal of the KOM was to set the basis for proper future exchanges among experts in the entire area of materials characterisation including the exchange with industrial end-users that are facing new challenges that need a strong interdisciplinary approach especially when dealing with advanced materials and nanotechnology. The main management roles have been appointed and the next steps defined in the public project plan with the final aim of producing a deliverable consisting of one CEN Workshop Agreement.
Follow up actions will have the main objective of defining how to apply and implement CHADA (CHAracterisation DAta approach developed by OYSTER) according to NanoPAT’s specific characterisation activities.
Within the next weeks and months, a timeline for this cooperation will be prepared in order to define the next steps and activities in order to profit from the synergies between both EU H2020 projects.