Our Team

NanoPAT’s team consists of 16 EU partners (Universities, Research and Technology Organisations, SMEs and large Industry) distributed across 8 European countries.

The partners are from the following countries: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland. Our partners bring together solid scientific knowhow in the relevant fields and strong industrial and commercial involvement to ensure that the value chain of commercial actions can progress swiftly towards the introduction of new real-time solutions for the monitoring of nanoparticle production processes. All partners contribute actively to the project, ensuring the flow of ideas and projects results to the wider community. Our experts are instrument developers, process data and modelling experts, academic process researchers, industrial processing experts, as well as innovation and dissemination specialists.

IRIS Technology Solutions
UniversitÃĪt Potsdam
Medizinische UniversitÃĪt Graz
Universidad del País Vasco/
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
ZÞrcher Hochschule fÞr
Angewandte Wissenschaften
PDW Analytics GmbH
Covestro AG
Evonik Industries AG
Arkema France
Creative Nano
TEMAS Solutions GmbH
Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
BRAVE Analytics GmbH